Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sitting - not for the faint of heart

She is 6 months old... and change. :( Mommy is not handling the aging of the baby well. Her latest trick? Trying to tripod and sit up. She does baby crunches a lot. She can sit up for approximately a millionth of a second before toppling. Or she bends so far over her little forehead nearly touches the floor. Cue the spit up!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Week 11/52

First week at home with 3 kids and trying to adjust

Week 10/52

This was the week we welcomed Cadence Julia to our family

Friday, March 4, 2011

Week 9/52

This is the first week of March and my little darlings were bird watching from the sliding glass door. Yes, we've finally got some wild life back in our neighborhood. Maybe spring and warm weather aren't to far behind? I love watching my sweet babies interact with each other. Of course they aren't really babies anymore!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

week 8/52

I really should take a better picture with my "real" camera and not my iphone. But I love this one. The kids sat down to do "homework" together last night. It was one of those moments I had to hurry up and capture before the 2 year old got bored and ran away. I'm so glad I did.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Week 7/52

I must have a thing for kids in jammies lately. This is the 2nd week of my kids in their PJ's. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Week 6/52

Week 6 - we got a new rocking chair today and the kids love it. I couldn't resist snapping a picture of my babies cuddling in the chair. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Week 5/52

This week could be called "torture the cat week"  I got Jewel groomed for the first time ever because I have had it up to here with her hair and the constant mess. Poor kitty. I hope she forgives me.

Week 4/52

Of course I'm late on this. I blame it on my camera. I took a picture of Ethan in his new big boy bed with my good camera and of course the memory stick at the picture. It was nowhere to be found! Grr! Here is another one taken with my cell phone. Oh well. :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Week 3/52

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So I'm jumping to week 3 since I'm late getting started on this. Today has been filled with those "my babies are growing up" moments for me. It could have something to do with expecting baby #3 in a few short months. I realized that my current "baby" Ethan will no longer be the baby. He'll be the middle child. I realized while I watched him sitting in his highchair eating his yogurt that my sweet little man is getting big. Soon he won't be sitting in a high chair anymore. He'll be sitting at the table. Soon we will be transitioning him to his big boy bed so we can put the crib in the new baby's room. I pick him up and snuggle him and he feels so small to me but I know full well that my 30 lb boy will seem huge once Cadence is born. So a bittersweet morning. But I love watching him eat his yogurt. He even licks the bowl he likes it so much. After we drop Mackenzy off at school we have these quiet times in the morning together. I'm going to miss it. I know life will be changing and soon I won't even remember what it was like without 3 kids. To top that off my first baby, Mackenzy came home today  declaring "Today was the best day ever" to which I asked "why?". Her response, "I sat on the bus with a BOY". EEK!! What?!?! Don't boys have cooties? Don't they? Well I need to send her a memo. They DO.


Welcome to my project 52 blog! I am hoping I can handle one post and one picture a week. Last year I attempted project 365 but somehow just fizzled out about February. Having a full time job, being a wife and mom to 2 kids takes a lot of work I guess. Go figure. :) Plus I'm lazy. lol. But I'd love to try again. Maybe this time it'll stick.

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